+91 9769117747

Women’s Health



You are the wife, mother, daughter, daughter in-law, sister. You are either a full-time home-maker or a working woman. You play so many roles and look after your family’s well being. These days women have so many problems that make it difficult to juggle all these roles. If our health is good, everything else seems much smoother. Health is indeed wealth!

Early puberty, teenage PCOD, hypothyroid, menstrual problems and infertility have become commonplace. Breast and Ovarian Cancer are all too common in adulthood. Hot flushes, mood swings and other menopausal problems are not rare.

Join me, Dr Nandita Shah, founder of SHARAN,  to learn understand why these problems are becoming so common and why a lifestyle shift can reverse them.

This is a free talk but there are limited spaces. Registration is a must.

Time: 5 pm – 6.30 pm + Q & A

Contact: Milan Shah + 447751411896, Bansri + 447815103209



Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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