+91 9769117747
    SHARAN/Uncategorized/दूध उत्पादों के विकल्प – The Dairy Alternatives Class (Hindi Class)

दूध उत्पादों के विकल्प – The Dairy Alternatives Class (Hindi Class)



This Event is SOLDOUT.

आपको वास्तव में हर उस चीज़ को त्यागने की ज़रूरत नहीं है जो आपने दूध के रूप में ली है, क्योंकि बहुत सारे स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं!

इस विशेष वर्ग में दूध के सभी मूल विकल्पों को जानें, और एक बार जब आप उन्हें जान लें, तो आप कोई भी नुस्खा बना सकते हैं जिसमें दूध हो तो आप क्या सीखेंगे?

दिन 1

  • काजू ओट दूध
  • मसाला चाय
  • क्रीम चीज़ और मेयोनेज़
  • ठंडी काफी
  • वीगन मक्खन
  • शिरा

दिन 2

  • मूंगफली दही
  • काजू दही
  • वीगन पनीर
  • वीगन घी
  • नुटेला

You truly don’t need to give up on everything that you enjoyed using dairy in the plant based diet, as so many delicious and nutritious alternatives are available!

Learn all the basics of dairy alternatives in this special class, and once you know them, you can literally make any recipe that contains dairy.

So what will you learn?

Day 1:

  • Cashew-Oat Milk
  • Masala Chai
  • Cream Cheese and Mayonnaise
  • Cold Coffee Shake
  • Vegan Butter
  • Sheera

Day 2:

  • Peanut Yoghurt
  • Cashew Yoghurt
  • Vegan Paneer
  • Vegan Ghee
  • Nutella

तारीख: 5, 6 सितंबर 2020

समय: शाम 4.00 – 6:00 बजे

जगह: जूम लाइव सेशन

फीस: 1000 रुपये

Date: Saturday 5th September and Sunday 6th September  2020  

Time: 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm IST (11.30 am UK, 2.30 pm UAE, 6.30 pm Singapore)

Contribution: Rs. 1000/-

Registrations close on 5th September 9 am IST

Please Note: Due to some technical issues, you will have to register manually for this event and then receive an automated confirmation message with the payment details.

Kindly make the payments after you fill the manual registration form.

If you do not see this please check your spam and whitelist our address to avoid missing future mails by dragging it into your Primary Box

The recipe sheet and zoom link will be sent to you one day prior to the event via email.

In case you do not receive the email or recipe sheets, please contact – office@sharan-india.org or call / whatsapp – +91 9769117747

In case you are not able to attend the live session, then a recording option is available. In this case please do not register here, but rather send an email to events@sharan-india.org and you will be told how to make the payment. The price will remain exactly the same. Strictly no recordings will be given to those who have registered for the LIVE zoom session, whatever may be the reason.

Cancellation 24 hours before the event attracts full refund. No refund for cancellation on the day of the event.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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