+91 9769117747

Short Talk – Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle



A one and half hour session, to understand how the whole food plant-based lifestyle can help you meet your current fitness goals, followed by food sampling.

SHARAN (www.sharan-india.org) empowers people to make the right food choices and take responsibility for their own health.

What do we (SHARAN) do?

  • We work with a simple and powerful science-based concept that our bodies are capable of healing themselves.
  • We offer health and fitness through the world of plant-based whole foods.
  • We help prevent and/or manage diseases with a holistic approach to health without resorting to medication.

How do we do it?

  • No medicines, no surgery, no gimmicks, no expensive supplements, no imported or extraordinary foods.
  • The goal of SHARAN’s health seminars and workshops is to empower people to make the right food choices and take responsibility for their own health.
  • We just concentrate on giving simple, scientific information, tips and practices about what to avoid besides teaching you how to prepare food to retain more fibre and nutrition.

Who will benefit from this approach?

  • Those looking to maintain or improve their health and fitness level through nutrition that supports their level of physical activity.
  • People with conditions like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, cancer, digestive problems, menstrual and menopausal problems, joint pains, backaches, depression and psychological problems.
  • Weight loss with improved health is the most common benefit all our participants observe

Time: 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Contribution: Rs 150. Discount of Rs 50 if attending the cooking workshops on 10th or 16th May

For further details, contact Madhura Vayal on 09740713344


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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