+91 9769117747

Natures Health Miracles just for you



Shukul Kachwalla is a Natural Health & Holistic Nutrition Practitioner and also the digestive health specialist for SHARAN. We are excited to have him in India, all the way from New Zealand for a limited time to share his knowledge with us!

When his brother was hospitalised with the medically incurable disease Ulcerative Colitis, he turned to nature for a cure. What he found was not only astonishing, but it completely changed the way he looks at health! It has now been nearly 4 years, his brother is completely healed and he has gone on to help many others heal from chronic disease.

In this free talk, learn about this natural miracle, and find out how to make miracles happen for yourself! Shukul will explain how lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease are not only preventable, they are reversible! You will also find out about the power of plant-based nutrition and why it is the best solution for your health.

Time: 7 pm to 8 pm.

Presenter: Shukul Kachwala.

Contribution: Free

Pre-registration is a must.

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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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