+91 9769117747

Movie cum Meditation Workshop



VandeKrsna Foundation and SHARAN present film screenings and health talks on Vedanta, Science and Health.

7th December – Film Screening – “MUM” – Meditation Ultimate Medication

Health Talk by Dr. Suman Govil –  “How correct diet choices can cure/reverse diseases”

Followed by meditation and plant based prasad

14th December – Film Screening – “Search of Spiritual Scientist”

Film on Health – “Khana Badlo Jeevan Badlo” presented by Sharmila Kannan

Followed by meditation and plant based prasad

This is a Free Event but registration is must

Time: 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Contact: 022 4003 1909,  097691 17747.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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