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How I Reversed My Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Free Talk



We would like to share the gift of HEALTH in this season of Thanksgiving

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a chronic intestinal disorder is life disrupting, and only someone who has experienced it knows how painful and uncomfortable it can get.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS, is an Intestinal disorder causing pain in the stomach, wind, diarrhea and constipation. IBS affects between 25 to 45 million people in the United States and worldwide it’s estimated that 10-15% of the population has IBS.. This problem causes a lot of physical discomfort and mental stress too.
SHARAN associate, Shalini Goenka suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) since childhood but didn’t figure it out until much later. It was only a few years ago that she experienced relief. Join Shalini as she reveals how she overcame all her health issues in 2017. The changes that she has experienced since then is nothing short of a miracle. Her allergies have reduced, steroids and nebulizer doses stopped and she has lost 20 kilos of weight! Her confidence has been truly restored. She now empowers others to make changes in their diet and lifestyle for a Healthy Body and Mind

Join Shalini Goenka in her journey on how *I reversed my IBS* – a free talk

Time: 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm followed by Q&A
This is a free talk but registration is a must.

RSVP/ Contact by 11th November to: 614-209-9284


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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