+91 9769117747

Healthy Cooking Techniques



Revamp your cooking methods to welcome Health into your kitchen for you and your loved ones..

Did you know that cooking healthy could be delicious?

Today we are seeing epidemic of lifestyle diseases-obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and more which can be prevented and reversed simply by cooking and eating in a healthier way.

Join Dr. Nandita Shah of SHARAN, an organisation committed to raising health awareness, in a three hour workshop, in which you will learn..

  • Techniques for Cooking Healthy!
  • What makes food unhealthy?
  • How to convert your favorite recipes into healthy ones?
  • Appropriate cooking tools & more!

This is not about cooking particular dishes but about learning multiple techniques which will help you cook delicious food for health every single day!

The recipes cooked will be served as a delicious meal at the end of the class.

Time: 11 am – 2 pm

For enquiries and registration:

Mr. Bhagwan Babur Tel: 050 4811783, Email: babur@cosmosinsurance.com
Ms. Reyna Rupani Tel: 050 6313002, Email: reynakr@gmail.com


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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