From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah
From the I am often asked why I don’t recommend ghee. Even Ayurveda suggests ghee and certain nutritionists highly endorse it. So, how can it be bad? And what if it’s 100% desi ghee?
Ghee is an all-time favourite in India and it’s difficult to give it up. It’s clarified butter and so pure that it is used in religious ceremonies. So why does SHARAN not recommend it?
SHARAN’s guidelines are in line with Nature’s laws. Did Nature expect us to have ghee? Of course not. Ghee is a concentration of the fat found in milk. We know very well that every mammal produces milk only for her own offspring and we are certainly not calves. Further, every animal can eat its food raw, and ghee is far from raw. And while Nature always supports whole unrefined substances, ghee is a highly refined substance – it is the pure fat of milk.
We know that fat is dangerous to health. Dietary fat thickens the blood causing its circulation to be compromised. In the long term, it is deposited in the arteries causing further compromise leading to strokes and heart disease. Compromised circulation to the joints and back can also cause joint pains and backaches, to the skin can cause fungal infections and to the internal organs can cause cancer. Today we have an obesity epidemic that’s fueled by fats too. And of course, blocking of the vessels in the brain can cause dementia.
We are conditioned to believe that ghee is good for health and this conditioning is harming us. So, let’s stop it as soon as possible.