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What is Ecologically Sustainable Medicine?

Holistic Healing

There has been a growing movement in medicine that seeks to restore the balance between the well-being of humans and the well-being of the planet – Ecologically Sustainable Medicine. This is a new term to denote methods of treatment that are in accordance with nature, gentle on the body and gentle on the planet. Homeopathy is one such method of treatment.

Homeopathy is

  • Ecological – non-toxic, renewable
  • Non invasive
  • Not based on animal experiments
  • Non polluting
  • Based on nature’s laws and reaches the deepest level – the energetic level of our existence.

Other methods of treatment that fall into this category are chiropractic, acupuncture and acupressure, shiatsu, craniosacral therapy, polarity therapy, to name a few. (www.teleosis.org)


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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