+91 9769117747

Spring Potluck with Dr. Nandita Shah



It’s International Women’s Day and what better than to meet a woman of substance who tirelessly raises her voice for animals and spreads health without medicines. Join us for a healthy vegan potluck at the gorgeous Gurgaon Organic Farmers Market.

A potluck is a get-together of like-minded friends, so all you need to do is bring a yummy dish along, just ensuring that there is no animal product like meat, poultry, eggs, dairy e.g. milk, ghee, paneer, butter, curd, cream, etc. Preferably, no oil as well and using no refined foods like maida, white rice or sugar. You can find recipes at www.sharan-india.org.

Time: 11:30am

Please confirm your participation to Nandini Gulati, Gurgaon based Health Coach. Please confirm your dish by writing to her on nandinig@sharan-india.org or calling her with any questions at 09871620526.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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