From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah
My friend, a medical doctor, told me, “If you want to help people with diabetes, high BP and heart disease make lifestyle changes and get well, tell them about the connection of these conditions to erectile dysfunction.”
We live in a world where lifestyle diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure are considered normal. If they can be controlled by medicines, we don’t worry too much about them. But when it comes to problems like erectile dysfunction (ED), the outlook is totally different. This problem is distressing, and it’s even more difficult to handle because men tend to shy away from talking about it. Drugs like ‘Viagra’ are in huge demand and their use is almost considered normal. Some even regard them as recreational drugs. ED is that rampant!
The good news is that erectile dysfunction can be reversed in most cases. As with any disease, understanding the cause is imperative before tackling the condition itself. Erectile dysfunction is closely linked to blood flow, and blood flow is linked to diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease, diabetes or prediabetes. So, ED is often a precursor to all lifestyle diseases. And, fortunately, as these lifestyle diseases can be reversed, ED too can become a problem of the past.
I have seen so many patients recover from this issue with the whole plant-based diet and regain their self-confidence. Why not give it a try?