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    SHARAN/World Milk Day Special

World Milk Day Special

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From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah

Have you been weaned yet? This question might actually make you wonder. Simply because most of us have forgotten that milk is the food that every mammal makes for its young. We have been brainwashed into thinking that milk is a healthy nutritious substance. This conditioning starts right from our childhood when our mothers run around us with a glass of milk. And then furthered by advertisements telling us about the proteins and calcium that milk is full of. No one thinks about the fact that we are consuming more dairy than ever before in the history of man and yet we have more incidences of osteoporosis and cavities than ever before. 

Have we ever thought about why calcium supplements are even needed in a population that consumes so much dairy? We also never think about where cows get the calcium or proteins they require to produce milk that is full of it.

In my mind consuming the milk of another species is akin to fueling a car that runs on petrol with diesel. The car does not run. We get sick because of wrong foods that we fuel our body with. Both Naturopathy and Ayurveda consider milk as mucous forming. 

Today we are being conned with a new story – A2 milk is good for you. Is that true? Of course not. Unless you are an A2 calf!

 SHARAN is launching a weeklong FREE email programme starting 1st June to give you information and recipes for dairy alternatives daily. Join by registering here and share our initiative with your friends too!


Testimonial of Jagat Agarwal!


Ludhiana based Jagat Agarwal, who owned a dairy farm, was easily convinced that vegan was the way to go because everything was so scientifically and medically explained. He felt great too.

Vegan Feta Cheese 

Turning vegan does not mean deprivation of milk, cheese, yoghurt, paneer, ice-cream, cakes, desserts, mithais, ghee. You can still have all of these in more delicious ways. Check out this delectable recipe for Vegan Feta Cheese that will not just surprise but also have you wanting for more!


  • 1 cup whole almonds
  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1¼ tsp rock salt/ sea salt
  • ½ cup cold water
  • 1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves optional
  • 1 tbsp fresh rosemary leaves optional


Place the almonds in a bowl of room temperature water. Allow to soak for 8 hours.

Add some water and boil for 5-7 minutes. When cool remove skin. In a powerful blender puree almonds, lemon juice, salt, and water until very creamy. Place 3 layers of cheesecloth over a strainer and spoon the mixture into it. Bring up ends and tie with an elastic rubber band. Allow to drain in the refrigerator overnight or at least 8 hours.

Preheat oven to 200°F. Line a cookie sheet with a parchment paper. Turn the cheese with the crumbly side down onto the paper and shape it like a disc about ¾ inch thick. Bake for 40-50 minutes until top is firm and dry. Cool and chill.

When ready to serve place cheese on a plate and sprinkle dry or fresh herbs on it.

Food for the mind


If you love Facebook, then join us to be supported on your plant based journey. Since 1 January, 2016, we have been offering three possibilitie

1. SHARAN India This is SHARAN’s main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more.

2. SHARAN’s Vegan Support Group This is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.

3. SHARAN’s Plant Powered Health This is the new group only for the past attendees of SHARAN’s events: seminars, cooking classes, retreats or longer programs.

All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.

Please like the main SHARAN page and join the group(s) applicable to you.


Is milk good for us?             

The answer is ‘Yes’ only if a baby calf poses this question. Just as a dog does not drink cat’s milk, and a cat does not drink giraffe’s milk, we humans should not drink the milk of another mammal.

You might say this is but the norm that has been practiced forever. But that does not necessarily make it right! Setting all arguments aside, let’s just focus on the present. Today, disease has become a household name. From early puberty and PCODs to blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer, diseases spare none, age is no bar. One very key attributor to this phenomenon, amongst others, is milk.

Read on to find out why…

1. Milk is full of pus 

The udder of the cow is meant for her calf. Not for milking by human hands or machines, which causes injuries, inflammation and pus. Milk contains pus.

2. Milk has antibiotics 

To treat the infected udders, cows are fed with antibiotics on a daily basis. This comes back to us in the milk that we consume. 

3. Milk has pesticides 

The pesticides in the feed of cows is concentrated in the milk. A cow eats 12 kg of feed on an average  to produce one litre of milk. It is no wonder that the percentage of pesticides is extremely high in dairy products.

4. Milk has urea 

In India, farmers mix urea into the milk, particularly during the summer months, to prevent it from curdling until it reaches the dairy (as the vans aren’t refrigerated).

5. Milk has hormones 

Milk is food for growth, which nature supplies through the mother. When a human baby is about 1.5 – 2 years old, nature automatically stops the flow. Growth hormones in milk can lead to diabetes, obesity and cancers. Estrogen and progesterone in milk can promote breast and prostate cancers. 

6. Milk contains toxins 

In India cows are often left to graze in the garbage dumps. Plastics and other toxic wastes are ingested, and this too is excreted in milk.

7. Milk is acidic 

Our body is alkaline, and consuming alkaline foods like fruits and vegetables is healthy. However, animal proteins are highly acidic and harmful.

8. Operation White Flood is a product of rape 

Cows are often artificially inseminated (raped) so they continue to produce babies and the milk keeps flowing. Milk is not even ethically produced!

9. Ever tried the colostrum? 

Sold to humans at a special price! Do we ever step back to think that this prized delicacy actually belongs to the baby calf?

10. Milk is full of adrenalin 

When a cow delivers, and is not allowed to nurture her baby, she experiences stress. When the baby is taken away, she feels the misery. When she is milked through machines, she feels the pain acutely. This releases a stress hormone called adrenalin, which goes into the milk that is consumed by us and causes stress.

11. Dairy funds death 

Male calves that are of no use to the dairy industry are sent to the slaughter house. Female cows, which have completed two to four cycles of pregnancy, also face the same eventuality. Cows otherwise can live for 20 years, but cows used for lactation, survive for merely six. 

12. Dairy destroys our rivers 

Tons of excrement washes away into rivers, lakes and streams, polluting them.

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This newsletter was compiled by SHARAN Head of Mumbai, Reyna K Rupani, She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health & Weight Loss program and also conducts health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more.

Edited by Vasanti Sundaram, Bangalore who has also benefitted from the SHARAN programmes, and now spreads awareness of plant based lifestyle through her talks.

Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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