+91 9769117747

Nipa Mangat

Nipa Mangat is a strong, multi-talented woman. This mother of two teenagers (plus one dog) runs half marathons, paints, dances, and works out. She turned vegan out of her compassion towards animals, for she has always been a believer in the fact that their lives and rights should be protected.

The pivotal point in her vegan journey was when she did a certified whole food plant-based nutrition course with E-Cornell. She discovered SHARAN at the beginning of 2020, got inspired by Dr. Nandita’s talks, and immediately knew that it was the perfect fit for her.

The workout enthusiast has seen great improvements in her energy and fitness levels after adopting this lifestyle. The kitchen was the last place she imagined herself to be in, but now she enjoys spending her time working on new whole food vegan recipes which her family adores. Inspired by her big steps towards health and happiness, her children have also adopted the same lifestyle. She has big dreams for the future of health and wellness in her country and beyond!

Nipa is now a facilitator with SHARAN, where she combines advocacy for animal rights and her love for wholesome nutrition. She actively learns and teaches the ideals of a whole food plant based lifestyle.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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