+91 9769117747

Supraja S

Supraja is a BSc in Nutrition, and holds a Certificate in Plant-based Nutrition from E-Cornell, New York.

She is also a NESTA certified Sports Nutritionist and holds a Certificate in Music Therapy from Chennai School of Music Therapy (CSMT).

Supraja does nutritional consultations, and conducts workshops and talks for SHARAN.
Her areas of expertise include weight management, diabetes, thyroid, PCOD, other hormonal issues and auto-immune conditions.

After 18 years of a successful corporate life (across sales, operations, marketing, and training) post her MBA, she gave it all up to follow her passion– holistic health through food.

Through her own personal journey of living with weight gain, chronic periodontitis, and early-stage thyroid cancer, she chose to heal herself through food apart from medication. Through this lifestyle, Supraja has helped her husband to lose weight and overcome his IBS problems, and her father – a diabetic for 32 years – to reduce his insulin injections by more than 70% in less than a year.

She not only practices a cruelty-free lifestyle but is also extremely passionate about sustainable living.



Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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