+91 9769117747

World Vegan Day Potluck and Film Screening



World Vegan Day is on November 1st and we are getting together to celebrate on Sunday, November 2nd.

TIME: 11.45 am – 4 pm

A potluck is a get-together of like-minded friends on the path of healthy plant based eating or curious to know more about it. All you need to do is bring a yummy dish along made of vegetables/ fruits/ beans/ whole grains/ nuts or seeds. Please ensure that there is no animal product like meat, poultry, eggs, dairy e.g. milk, ghee, paneer, butter, curd, cream, etc. Additionally, no oil or refined foods like maida, white rice or sugar. It would be great if you could get organic food. You can source this at www.isayorganic.com or any other supplier of your choice. You can find recipes at www.sharan-india.org

Everyone is welcome to our potluck. All vegans, aspiring vegans, curious non-vegans, don’t wannabe vegans, sceptics and confirmed carnivores, everyone is welcome. Bring along family, friends and whoever you want and just make sure there is enough food to cover all of you and your guests.

If you are a new comer and cooking is not your thing, please call Nandini Gulati (Health Coach) for ideas and advise. It is mandatory to confirm your dish and participation to Nandini by Oct 31st, at 9871620526. Strictly no last minute drop-ins or people without food.  Whole, plant-based food is your entry ticket!

11.45-12.00 – Registration
12.00-12.30 – Introductions
12.30-1.00 – Talk about Whole Foods Plant Based Diet
1.00-2.00 – Lunch
2.00-4.00 – Film Screening & Discussion: Forks over Knives

Film Preview: This film examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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