The need of the hour – A very thought provoking documentary on the true meaning of compassion. A sublime Indian thought with very modern interpretation, affecting health and climate both in today’s times.
Join us for the screening of the film ‘A Prayer for Compassion’, a feature length documentary that strives to inspire and encourage those already on a religious or spiritual path, to expand their circle of compassion to embrace all life, regardless of species, and make choices in alignment with this value.
The film of one and a half hours will be followed by an interaction and Q/A with the audience with Dr. Shailesh Rao and Thomas Wade Jackson.
Tea and snacks will be served to all at the session.
Watch the trailer here..
Time: 3.00 pm – 6.30 pm
Contribution: Rs 50 per person
Presenters: Dr. Sailesh Rao (Founder and Executive Director of the Climate Healers) and Thomas Wade Jackson (Director of ‘A Prayer for Compassion’) assisted by Sharmila Kannan (SHARAN Associate)
Contact: 022 4003 1909, 097691 17747.