+91 9769117747

Defeating Diabetes



Have you always thought that diabetes is because of too much sugar and carbs? Have you ever noticed that most diabetics, even those that drastically cut down on their sugar and carbs never really get free of their medications? This is because the RESULT of diabetes is high blood sugar but the cause lies where you never suspected it. Diabetes can be reversed.

Dr Nandita Shah is a medical practitioner based in India and is the founder of SHARAN www.sharan-india.org, an organisation whose vision is a Diabetes-Free India. She in the author of Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days a book that has been number 1 on the best seller list for Endocrinology on Amazon India for a couple of years now. She has also received a national presidential award for her work in health and nutrition.

Time: 4 – 5 pm

Contribution: Rs 100 per person by Q & A and Tea.

Contact: 022 4003 1909,  97691 17747.

If you have any diet restrictions / food allergies/ Jain food requirement, please intimate us at least 2 days prior to the event by sending a whatsapp message to +91 9769117747. Please mention class name and diet restrictions.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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