+91 9769117747

Real Health, No Medicines – Free Talk



As long as we are taking medicines we are not really healthy. We may believe that we are healthy but medicines have their own side effects and problems.
Why do we take them then? Because we are told that unless we take the medicines our blood sugar or blood pressure will not get controlled and our sufferings will increase.

What if there was a way that you could be off all medications forever? Just by modifying your diet intelligently without compromising on taste and quantity. Would you be willing to get well? Come and find out how.

This talk is presented by the SHARAN Dubai team. SHARAN Dubai has a team of volunteers who have benefited from the SHARAN nutrition system. And they love to spread the message of health to everyone who needs help in their journey to stay healthy for life with no medicines. The team includes Nutritionists, Healthy cooking Chefs, Wellness Consultants as well as Doctors.

This Talk is Free and Open to all. You are welcome to attend with Family and Friends. Prior registration is required to attend. (to help us plan the logistics better).

Time: 11 am to 12.30 pm


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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