+91 9769117747

Weight Release – Free Talk



Is the weight on you not budging? You have tried everything – diet, exercise and you lost some weight but then it’s stuck.

Learn how to couple positive energy and whole plant based lifestyle to result in the fittest YOU with Sandhyaashree, a life coach and a whole plant based practitioner who has released 21 kgs and managed to maintain it for the past one year.

She is on a journey to share how she dated herself and understood the deeper meaning of weight release.

In this one hour talk, she would like to throw some light on how the mind plays a big role in obstructing weight release and will also give some valuable tips on how to break these barriers and move forward to a newer and fitter you.

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

This is a FREE talk, but pre-registration is a must.

Presenter: Sandhyaashree


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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