+91 9769117747

Vegan Basic Cooking Class



1. Almond Milk
2. Peanut Curd Raita
3. Soy Milk
4. Chocolate Smoothie
5. Cold Coffee (without milk or coffee)
6. Masala Lassi
7. Vegan Mayonnaise
8. Vegan Herb Cheese
9. Almond banana ice-cream
10. Mango ice-cream

Timing: 9.45 am – 12.30 pm

Contribution: Rs.1000 only if paid before May 20th. After that door price of Rs. 1500 will apply.

Please call Shivani Gulati to book at 01244235290 or 09953993101. Or email nandinig@sharan-india.org


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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