+91 9769117747

Movie Screening – Cowspiracy



Does Food Matter?

‘Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret’ complements mainstream Climate-Change awareness efforts that almost singularly focus on energy and transport. This 85 minute documentary addresses the question ’Does food matter?’, and seeks to find the impact of our food choices on climate change, deforestation, resource consumption, pollution, bio-diversity and sustainability.

With extreme events (eg. prolonged dry-spells and highly intense rains in a short time) becoming relatively more frequent, this movie will empower caring individuals with valuable information to make wise, informed choices that help contain climate change.

Time: 11 am to 1:00 pm.

Entry: FREE after registration.

Free refreshments will be provided.

At the end of the screening, Daily Dump will offer a demo of composting using their hugely popular Kambhas (composting tools).

Google Map: Click here.

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 10.37.10 am


Khula Manch  – www.khulamanch.org
Daily Dump    – www.dailydump.org
SHARAN         – www.sharan-india.org
Samabhava    – www.samabhava.org

For queries, email info@samabhava.org.

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